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Mareh Mekomos with notes from R' Berkovits in Lashon Hakodesh. Includes mitzvos/sugyos of: Issur Geneiva Ugezeilah, Gezel Akum, Lo Sachmod, Dina Demalchusa, Avid Inish Dina Lenafshei, Ani Hamehapech Becharara, Hasagas Gevul, Zechuyos Yotzrim, Lo Sa'amod Al Dam, Lo sa'amod Behefsed Mamon, Ma'akah, Kedimah Behatzalah, Ain Dochin Nefesh Mipnei Nefesh and Neshamah Be'apo. 192 pages.

Volume Four: Geneivah Ugezeilah and Hatzalas Nefesh

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