a gateway for all who wish to learn with the kollel
כולל לכל
Kollel Lakol
Kollel Lakol was launched to better serve as a premier resource for kollelim, yeshivos, shuls and groups seeking to learn Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechaveiro.
Center for Jewish Values
For over twenty years the Linas Hatzedek kollel network has been at the center of making Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechaveiro accessible to all of Klal Yisroel. At its core, the kollel is a higher learning program for advanced scholars. Yet when , the kollel accommodated the many requests for learning materials as best it could.
Through the publication of sefarim, innovative study forums and an array of educational products, the Center for Jewish Values introduced tens of thousands of people to the kollel's teachings. The Center for Jewish Values serves individuals, yeshivos, kollelim, shuls, schools and kiruv organizations across the world seeking to learn Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechaveiro. The Center of Jewish Values also empowers independent learning programs and authors with materials and guidance.
Over the years, a number of attempts have been made to bring the Kollel’s limud to broader audiences with varying degrees of success. In addition to making the Mareh Mekomos seforim available, the Kollel produced seforim in Hebrew (Mishpatei Hashalom, Kitzur Mishpatei Hashalom, Sharei Mishpat) and in English (The Torah's Guidelines for Interpersonal Relationships (English adaptation of the first volume of the Hebrew Mareh Mekomos series), Code for Jewish Conduct and Money In Halacha.) Additionally, the Kollel maintains a database of, and promotes, various other seforim written on Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechaveiro.
The Kollel also led, and empowered, many learning programs for Baalatim across the world and serves as Klal Yisroel’s premier resource for individuals, kollelim, yeshivos, shuls, schools and kiruv organizations seeking to learn Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechaveiro
Reflecting on the successes of the many efforts the Kollel led and empowered, as well as feedback from the many Roshei Kollel, Rabbonim, Mechanchim and individuals we have worked with, we have identified both limitations of our past efforts and opportunities for the future.
• Kollelim:
The success of kollelim in our network was in proportion to their connection to the original limud, i.e. either learning under RYB (at the flagship Kollel) or under one of the avreichim who learned under RYB (at the flagship Kollel). This is because the Mareh Mekomos seforim that were available to them, were designed specifically to prepare for shiurim delivered by RYB at the Kollel, and do not otherwise capture the totality of the sugyos. The vast majority of avreichim in Klal Yisroel, who do not have the opportunity to learn under RYB or under one of the avreichim who learned under RYB, have not found it to be a fit for them.
We therefore have identified the opportunity to develop a comprehensive Kollel-level curriculum that could serve the vast majority of kollelim, avreichim and Talmidei Chachomim.
• Baalabatim, etc.:
Learning programs and products were successful to the degree that both: 1) The content authentically reflected the basic Torah’s wholistic approach to a topic; and 2) The presentation had appeal to a segment of a baalabatim audience. Generally speaking, success in having both of these components together was never sufficiently met. Either the content reflected the basic Torah’s wholistic approach to a topic, but the presentation had limited appeal to the intended audience; or the presentation had better appeal but did not reflect the basic Torah’s wholistic approach to a topic. Often both components were deficient, particularly in programs we empowered, but did not lead. This is very understandable and to be fully expected. The Kollel alumni who had the expertise on the topics lacked the expertise to successfully present beyond specific segments of the broader audiences. Non-Kollel alumni who attempted to present to broader audiences, did not have the expertise on the topics.
(Additionally, a serious concern has emerged from the current state. Because an established standard for this limud does not exist, people often tend to assume that they are knowledgeable of these mitzvos or that the program or sefer they studied, covers the basic Torah’s wholistic approach to a topic. They don’t know that there is critical information they are unaware of. They don’t know when they need to ask a shaila. This has led to numerous instances of misapplication, unwarranted pain and chillul Hashem.)
We therefore have identified the opportunity to successfully serve broader audiences by combining both the expertise on the topics and the expertise in presentation.
• General:
Feedback from thousands of shiurim/classes/programs for various audiences, that the Kollel led and empowered, also indicated many strengths and weaknesses of different models. This includes the way a program is packaged and promoted (such as amount, duration, timing, synergies, etc.).
We therefore have identified the opportunity to design a model that incorporates the ingredients for success.
1. Promote designating Yemei Sefira, for individuals and organizations, as a time to dedicate to properly learn Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechaveiro with the Kollel.
2. A specific (set of) topic(s) will be selected for each year’s Yemei Sefira (making for a 20-year machzor, approximately).
3. The limud will be presented by the Kollel on video/audio recordings w/accompanying source sheets.
4. There will be five tracks for different levels/styles of learning.
o Kollel avreichim
o Advanced baalabatim
o Intermediate
o Women
o Beginners
5. Each track will be promoted (and advertised) in a manner that appeals to its target audience.
6. Roshei Kollel, Rabbonim and educators who wish to personally give the shiurim/classes to their audiences, will receive the recordings and source sheets in advance (to give them time to be prepared by Yemei Sefira), along with additional support.
7. Systems set up for operation.
• RYB driving, and face of, this project
• Leadership team. To lead main components, including:
o Managing RYB’s engagement. (Tzvi)
o Producing curriculum (Tzvi)
o Technical (website, communication systems, video production)
o Marketing
o Admin, customer service
o Fundraising
1. Promote designating Yemei Sefira, for individuals and organizations, as a time to dedicate to properly learn Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechaveiro with the Kollel.
Authoritative Yemei Sefira designation:
o Letter and video message from RYB requesting that people adopt Yemei Sefira to learn MBAL by participating in the Kollel’s program.
Crafting message.
Producing it.
1. Video taking.
2. Stationary for letter.
o If feasible, get letters of support from some gedolim
Crafting draft letters
Publicizing the message:
o Targeted mail/email/phone-calls to individuals and organizations identified as potential participants.
Those who have a connection to the Kollel or RYB.
1. Sit w/RYB and harvesting his “Rolodex”
Those who the team has a relationship with.
1. Each team member compiling own contact list
2. Crafting intro message
o Emailing it out with RYB message.
o Follow up
Others who we hope will be responsive (research, lists).
1. Crafting intro message
o Emailing it out with RYB message.
o Follow up
o Marketing strategy to broader Klal Yisroel.
Marketing plan (which media, which method, overall rollout)
1. Brand
o Key identity components
o Logo
o Tag line
o Look
2. Story writing.
3. Ad writing
4. As design
1. Influencers/teams/areivus
2. Media rollout
2. A specific (set of) topic(s) will be selected for each year’s Yemei Sefira (making for a 20-year machzor, approximately).
o Will provide the basic Torah’s wholistic approach to each topic according for each level (see 4, below). At the lowest level, will present all foundational elements of the topics. Highest level will cover all material sources (while still leaving room for additional learning, other interpretations and for psak halacha lemaasaeh).
o For each of the following (sometimes combined) topics:
Halbanas Panim
Ona’as Devarim
Sinas Achim
Dan Lekaf zechus
Choshed Ksheirim
Kavod Habrios
Lashon Harah
Ahavas Rei’im
Gemilus Chasadim
Geneivas Da’as
Richuk Misheker
Bikur Cholim
Hachnosas Orchim
Hachnosas Kallah
Levayas Hameis
Nichum Aveilim
Hatov Vehayashar
Hashavas Aveidah
Nesinas Michshol
Kibud Av Va’eim
Lo Sachmod
Hatzalas Mamon Unefesh
Piyus Umechilah
Hava’as Shalom
Vehalachta Bidrachav
Azov Ta’azov
Giluy Sod
Eitzah Hogenes
Tzar Ba’alei Chaim
Hasaras Nezek
3. The limud will be presented by the Kollel on video/audio recordings w/accompanying source sheets.
o (Five tracks of) class content need to be organized and written.
Dividing all Mitzvos Bein Adam Lechavero into 7-week units. (See list of topics above.)
o Reviewed and approved by RYB.
o Source sheets written and graphic design / formatting.
o Shiurim/classes written for presentation.
o Presented on video.
Videoing equipment
4. There will be five tracks for different levels/styles of learning.
o Kollel avreichim – Approx. twenty five 90-minute sedarim between Rosh Chodesh Iyar and Shavuos. Advanced kollel level.
Comprehensive Mareh Mekomos booklets (with he’aros). Must be learned well before shiur.
10+ Video/audio of 40-minute shiurim (each chazal and its rishonim, shitos rishonim holistically, review organized topically).
o Advanced baalabatim – Strong yeshiva background, serious learners. 4 hours learning a week for 7 weeks. (First week, during Pesah, lighter introductory material).
7+ video/audio 30-minute shiurim (each chazal and its rishonim, shitos rishonim holistically, review organized topically).
Accompanying Mareh Mekomos booklet. Must be learned before shiur.
o Intermediate – Baalabatim with decent tefisa, spoon fed (chazals shitos rishonim, mostly organized topically). Source sheets are mostly for reference.
7 video/audio 45-minute shiurim
Accompanying Mareh Mekomos sheets (for reference).
o Women – organized topically, light emphasis on inspiration and relevant application.
7 video/audio 45-minute shiurim
Accompanying source sheets (for reference).
o Beginners (including a kiruv audience) - Main features with heavy emphasis on inspiration and relevant application.
7 video/audio 30-minute classes.
Accompanying source sheets (for reference only).
5. Each track will be promoted (and advertised) in a manner that appeals to its target audience.
o Each audience should be reached out to by individuals, influencers of their demographic
o Ads for each audience should be designed for, and promoted in the space of, that audience.
o General ads should allow for universal appeal. Kollel recruiting done almost entirely separately.
6. Roshei Kollel, Rabbonim and educators who wish to personally give the shiurim/classes to their audiences, will receive the recordings and source sheets in advance (to give them time to be prepared by Yemei Sefira), along with additional support.
o All five tracks
o Additional support includes:
Access to network of the Kollel’s experts for Shailos in learning.
Additional resources (teachers edition audio/notes, stories, outside seforim and shiurim)
Ideas and resources to build around main limud.
1. Kollel – guest lecturers for kollel avreichim (or for community kollelim’s baalabatim), choveres of participants he’aros and chidushim,.
2. Shul – Materials for Shabbos drashas, choveres of participants he’aros and chidushim, campaign for shemiras hamitzvah, family Shabbos table discussion materials, book club style discussion facilitators, shavuos night learning program, siyum
3. Kiruv - Book club style discussion facilitators, campaign for shemiras hamitzvah, family Shabbos table discussion materials, shavuos night learning program, siyum
7. Systems set up for operation.
o Sign-up mechanism
By response to outreach.
1. To be inputted on website
o Communication system
Welcome to program
Sending link to shiurim and source sheets.
Handling questions, requests and issues.
o Shiurim/Classes access
1. Website
1. Webside
2. Phone hotline
Source sheets
1. Website
2. Email?
o Concluding event
Message from RYB
Q@A w/RYB livestreamed
1. Questions submitted in advance by participants
1. Prep
• Produce shiurim/classes and source sheets for one topic
• Establish internal Kollel functionality and messaging.
• Basic tech infrastructure
2. Pilot
• Recruit 1-3 representatives of each of the 5 track audiences.
i. Ideally find (at least) one community that can run all tracks.
• Set up communication system.
3. Launch
4. Establish
5. New Levels
Spinoffs, variations, Collecting feedback and best practices, interest and needs
Kollel Lakol's main office is at the Blumenstein Jewish Learning Center in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan